MySQL/OTP User's Guide

MySQL/OTP is a driver for connecting Erlang/OTP applications to MySQL databases. It is a native implementation of the MySQL protocol in Erlang.

This is the documentation generated from the Erlang source code using EDoc. The project page is on Github:

For the reference manual see the mysql module.

Value representation

MySQL Erlang Example
INT, TINYINT, etc. integer() 42
VARCHAR, TEXT, etc. unicode:chardata() [1] <<"foo">>, "bar"
VARBINARY, BLOB, etc. binary() <<1, 2, 3, 4>>
BIT(N) <<_:N/bitstring>> <<255, 6:3>>
FLOAT, DOUBLE float() 3.14
DECIMAL(P, S) integer() when S == 0
float() when P =< 15 and S > 0
binary() when P >= 16 and S > 0 [2]
DATETIME, TIMESTAMP calendar:datetime() [3] {{2014, 11, 18}, {10, 22, 36}}
DATE calendar:date() {2014, 11, 18}
TIME {Days, calendar:time()} [3, 4] {0, {10, 22, 36}}
NULL null null


  1. When fetching VARCHAR, TEXT etc. they are returned as binary(). When sending (insert or update) any unicode:chardata() is accepted as input. In a (possibly deep) list of integers and binaries, the integers are treated as Unicode codepoints while binaries are treated as UTF-8 encoded Unicode data. For lists, an error occurs if you try to send invalid Unicode data, but if the input is a pure binary, no validation will be done. This is to allow sending binary non-Unicode data for MySQL's binary strings (BLOB, VARBINARY, etc.).
  2. DECIMALs are returned as integer() or float() when the value can be represented without precision loss and as binary() for high precision DECIMAL values. This is similar to how the odbc OTP application treats DECIMALs.
  3. For DATETIME, TIMESTAMP and TIME values with fractions of seconds, we use a float for the seconds part. (These are unusual and were added to MySQL in version 5.6.4.)
  4. Since TIME can be outside the calendar:time() interval, we use the format as returned by calendar:seconds_to_daystime/1 for TIME values.


Copyright 2014-2019 The authors of MySQL/OTP. See the project page at

This library is free software licensed under the GNU LGPL which allows you to use it in proprietary applications as well as free software applications with other licenses. This documentation is generated from the source code and thus goes under the same license as the library itself.

Generated by EDoc